Wednesday, November 28, 2007

individual reseach blog thing 1

Eli Pardue
AP Lang Comp

Individual Research Idea

My primary idea for my individual research came from my health class with Mr. Thornburg. He assigned us to have a position on the legalization of marijuana, and to think about the pros and cons of our decision.
Being from the West Coast, the central hub of the use of marijuana as a medicine, I have a slight bias to the subject not only for the fact that I have known people who have greatly benefited from the use of marijuana ass both an anti-depressant and a pain killer. My mother worked for many years at a clinic where she treated people with addiction problems. Often as side affects of withdrawal, these people would experience mental problems, and when used in moderation, it can help immensely. I have seen marijuana used in many different cases with great success.
I advocate marijuana not because of any personal feelings regarding the experience. In fact, I have never been involved with the use of recreational marijuana. I advocate it because I truly believe that it can be used as an extremely affective medication, and that if the scientific use of marijuana was approved, cellular research can develop different strains that are more affective. In addition, they can experiment to create more generally accepted forms of medications, such as injections and pills.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Socialization process

Eli Pardue
AP Lang Comp

The socialization process is when people absorb the beleifs of their culture and surroundings, most often times from those who are closest to them, such as parents and other family members.

Personally, I do beleive that a persons central beleifs and values come from the environment that they weere born into. For example, say you have an extremely sterotypical white supremicist family. This family has two children, the second of which is given to an adoption agency and is taken in by a sterotypical northern liberal family that believes in the equality of man (keep in mind that both children are still infants). The infant in the biological family will most likely grow up with the beleif that all men are not created equl, and will most likely have serious predjudice against those different to him. The adopted child will probably have liberl views because that is what his parents will have taught him. This example shows that even though the two hcildren come from the same biological parents, they can have drastically differnet views on predjudice based on how they were raised.

frederick douglass

Eli Pardue
AP Lang Comp

Frederick Douglass states that Independence Day to a slave is nothing more than a day, becuase hte slaves were not freed on July 4th. Freedom of the country did not matter to the claves as much as it did to the citizensebcause their treatment did not differ. They ahd no change in lifestyle because the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution did not state anything about the lawfulness or rightioussness of slavery.

Douglass appeals to pathos because becasue of the obvious passion that he shows in his speech. Also, the language he uses makes makes us all question the point of the question he is responding to. He also appeals to logic by simplky explaining the obvious to the audience. For Ethos, he was a slve, and can therefor speak for all slaves because he knows what it wwas like to be one and knows the conditions in which a typical slave lives.