Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Tuesday blogs

Eli Pardue
AP Lang Comp

In particular, I really enjoyed Alex Meregalia's blog. I thought that he spoke for a very worthy cause. Goodwill is a nonprofit that helps many of those in need by providing jobs and education on how to present oneself when participating as an active member of the workforce. I like the approach that Goodwill has on making money. They accept private investment, of course, but they are more interested in your physical donation, such as clothing and old furniture which they can resale. On top of that, I enjoyed his presentation. he spoke passionately, with a good voice and geed gestures. He made an effort to move about the room as he spoke. The only complaints that I have about his presentation is that he spoke a little too fast and it seemed as if his presentation was over-rehearsed. I think that it is better to speak from the heart rather than memory. I plan on giving donor bucks to Alex at this point.

My own presentation I think also went very well. I of course think that my nonprofit organization has a fantastic cause. I am particularly sympathetic towards it because it advocates children and fathers who have not been active in their children's lives, and my single mother raised me since I was seven or eight. I think I spoke with emotion and conviction, and am very confident about my presentation.