Thursday, February 7, 2008


Eli Pardue
AP Lang Comp

Today's Presentations

I found two of the presentations to be particularly affective. The first was by Derek's group. The commercial was affective because it appealed to actions that are common in a teenager's life. The commercial showed three students sitting in detention, bored. one student whips out a pack of Bubblicious gum, pops a piece, and appears to be having great fun blowing bubbles and dancing to the background music. she offers a piece to her friend, who takes it and start having just as much fun. The highlight selling point of the commercial was when the third student takes out a pack of Orbit, and throws it away. That established that Bubblicious not only makes you have fun, but it is better then the competition.
The other advertisement that I enjoyed was by Ethan's group. They advertised a caffeinated gum/ADD medicine. I liked the commercial because it showed an exact example of what the product can do for you. I already chew gum, and the product was an improvement of what I already enjoy, so why wouldn't iI want it. And besides, what high school student doesn't get bored in class? They effectively showed and stated why the product was a necessity fro all high school students.