Friday, September 21, 2007

visual arguments

Eli Pardue
AP. Lang. Comp.

Visual Arguments

Yes, i belive that our society is becoming a visual society more and more as the decades go by. The mass media is becoming increasingly more visual through the use of television newscasting and internet blogging. More than half of the populaton of America gets their daily news from a visual source. Beyond the news, image is also becoming increasingly important. The fashion industry has never been more important with the introduction and mass apeal of designer labels such as Prada, Gucci, Ralph Lauren, Dolce and Gabbana, and Louis Vuitton. In addition, television has incorperated fashion into the programs, nost prominently with America's Next Top Model and the Shopping Network. Even Mac computers emphasize thier sleek appearence.
Visual arguments in this day and age are more useful when targeting the public as the public is more likely to see a massive billboard on the way to work than it is to read a paper before going to work. it takes less time to absorb, and while advertisements are not technically arguments (being completely one sided, i.e., buy this product) they are more useful in presenting a point.
Society is becoming more visual because of the increasd speed at which things occur. Information streaming runs faster than ever because of the internet. Convinience is everywhere, such as drive through fast food restaurants, self pump gas stations, and faster cars. People just dont stop and read the paper or take the time to read the newspaper anymore, which is why visual add and aassstant are so important.