Thursday, April 24, 2008

Vazquez's Arguement on Homophobia

Eli Pardue
AP Lang Comp

Vazquez waits to disclose that Mickey and Brian are straight men because it adds strength to her argument that the men were straight, yet still felt the burn of homophobia. The fact that homophobia can be so intense as to rise above sexual orientation, and instead target those who act or appear stereotypically homosexual. It is horrible that gays alone would be subject to this kind of violence, and we feel that as we read the opening paragraphs. However, it is worse that heterosexual men are also subject to homophobic hate and discrimination based on their appearance and personality. It is worse because now there exists hate that transcends factual knowledge about ones sexual orientation, instead targeting based on assumption. The issue of antigay violence might become more interesting to the masses because of heterosexual victims. It is difficult to say, and more difficult to accept because one would think that the masses would have a basic understanding of human rights, instead of focusing on gay rights or black rights or immigrant rights. It is more than a little bit sick that attention is only grasped when one of the “normals” is subject to hate underserved not only to himself for being straight, but to anyone for any reason.