Monday, August 25, 2008

High Fidelity Chap. 1-6

Eli Pardue
Brit Lit
Mrs. Pfanschmidt

My initial impression of Rob was surprisingly familiar, because Rob reminds me of myself in many ways. His condescending obsession with music (there is only one good taste in music: his), his frustration with relationships, and his slacker demeanor evoke images of myself.
His obsession with music and pop culture is Rob's most interesting quality. I feel as if Rob's obsession with music is a dieing down part of who he used to be during the time of his numerous splits. With his relationship problems, music was the only part of his life that remained constant. And for that reason, he defended his opinion of music and culture fervently. As he has aged, however, he is just as fervent in his passion for music, but is not as hostile towards others who's tastes differ from his. I believe this shows that Rob has become slowly resigned to the fact that he will not find someone permanent in his life. His top ten lists serve the same purpose as his obsessio nwith music. They keep things in his life attached to him in a way that many other things, such as relationships, are not. By keeping the things around him structured in lists, he attempts to keep his life structured around them.
I think Rob continual breakups tell us that he is exactly what he thinks himself to be: particularly mediocre. Rob figures that his only particularty good quality is his taste in music. Women are content with Rob, but know that they could do better. Rob realizes this as well, and struggles with accepting it in the first few chapters.
I certainly sympathize with Rob. His disgust with the formalities and stuggles of relationships and medicrity are feelings that all young men can sympathize with in some way. I like Rob because of his simplicity, his honesty, and the fact that I can easily relate to him.


amypfan said...

I would say this a very accurate psychoanalysis of Rob. Nice job.

Would you please change your background for me? I'm having a hard time reading your posts.