Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Eli Pardue
AP Lang. Comp

Writing Arguments Chapter 2

The article written by Lisa Turner in Better Nutrition used the “public affairs and niche magazine articles” genre. This genre is beneficial to her argument because, though it took more than a moment to read, made its point clear and concise with the first paragraph, and then went on to explain more in depth the benefits and consequences of genetically altered food. It then went on to explain how the consequences outweigh the benefits. Her genre makes the article she wrote more prone to be read by the readers of nutrition magazines, in this case Better Nutrition. That being said, this article was written with a bias die to the readers of that magazine, which would be a bias toward the point that genetically altered foods are potentially bad for our health and the health of the environment.
The cartoon on page one also uses its genre to affective means. The cartoon displays an overweight hippy (anti genetically altered food) taking drought resistant food from a starving African boy because it is genetically altered. The point that this cartoon makes is that genetically altered food can bring food to Africa and save starving people. The visual argument is a striking picture, and holds the ethics of those who are anti-genetically altered food at trial, because they are technically withholding the prospect of abundant food from the starving. The saying “a picture is worth a thousand words” is perfect for this instance because of the sharp image portrayed.