Friday, September 21, 2007

pseudo arguments

Eli Pardue
AP Lang. Comp.

Pseudo arguments

Pseudo arguments are statements that are unable to be backed up by further claims and evidence, and are therefore often statements of opinion. Pseudo arguments are unfortunately something that I encounter in everyday life. Whether it is with my mother, my brother, or friends, I am always at conflicting interests and opinions with others.
One example that stands prominently in my mind is the near everyday conversation that I have with people on whether Mac or PC computers are better. Each side has good points. Macs are very safe and reliable, and are also backed with a great damage and protection warranty. Macs have the most simple operating system, and are also more practical in everyday use with applications such as Safari, iPhoto, iMovie, GarageBand, and iTunes included in every computer.
PC’s, one might argue, are much more affective for networking business work. They also contain multiple programs more than Macs, and are a must have for editing media, and when it comes to gaming, they are unequaled. They are also much more cost affective, in some cases costing half of what a Mac of the same technical specifications would.
This argument is much more like a conflict because it is completely based on opinion. While much of the hardware in PC’s is better suited for gaming, Macs have a much more interactive operating system, making it easier to control other things on the computer besides the game. Both of these statements are fact, but they do not lead to any conclusive truth because they lead to the formation of opinions.