Thursday, May 15, 2008

Joe's Aim

Eli Pardue
AP Lang Comp

At the end of the book, Joe realizes that he is the ultimate representation of what happens in war. He realizes that all others who go to war in some way will be able to relate to his experience as a cripple, whether it be mentally of physically. Along these lines, Joe realizes that although he wishes to relate his message of the horrors of war, he will be unable to leave the hospital. Beyond that, he is unable to use an effective means of communication through which to transmit his message. He points the gun at those who unjustly send men to war. Men who, Joe knows, will become mangles like himself, or perhaps, for better or worse, dead. Democracy is supposedly the cause to defend through fighting, but the leaders are not presenting the dead men with democracy. They are presenting them with a death sentence. Joe points the gun at those in charge so that he can give his message, even though he is ultimately unable to


MDooley729 said...

You wrote this really well Eli. I agree Joe realizes he "is the ultimate representation of war". I also think he realizes we must revolt against our corrupt government when they tell us to go to war for honor or democracy. I think this point is less valid. I don't know if it just me but i just can't understand fighting for peace... But i suppose we do that every day. Anyway, good blog.