Thursday, May 15, 2008

My Thoughts about Joe's Desires

Eli Pardue
AP Lang Comp

I agree with Joe's desire to communicate with others. Communication is the only way that human beings can relate to one another. Without communication, every human being would live in absolute solitude, much like Joe does. Humans would likely not exist if communication was absent because there would be no way to express the need and desire to mate and create offspring. Communication is literally the root of the human condition because without it humans may have never exited at all. In addition, a creature as intelligent as a human, who was previously able to communicate with others would be driven insane through a lack of communication. The person would wallow in their own thoughts and previous experience. Much like water, a mind needs consistent motion and flow in order to stay fresh. Similarly, a stagnant mind will fester and grow rank just like stagnant water. The desire to stay sane is what drives Joe to communicate. I do not, however, agree with Joe's desire to become a showcase for the horrors of war. I think that this would only further his frustration with communication because the message would not be presented exactly how he would want it to be, and his condition would be repeatedly misinterpreted, yet he would have no way of correcting those around him.