Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Wednesday's blogs

Eli Pardue
AP Lang. Comp.

Todays presentations I remember as for the most part being very well done (there were so many it is hard to evoke all of them back to the present). I remember two particular favorites.

Nick Martin's presentation of the Big Brothers, Big Sisters foundation was truly moving. He was very well qualified to present not because he researched them so thoroughly, but because he himself is actually a little brother. He was passionate in his speech, made excellent eye contact and drew the audience in with his strong presence. I donated several of my donor bucks to Big Brothers, Big Sisters.

Tony Schlehuber's presentation was the other that touched me more than the others. He spoke of the Lord's Pantry with four years of experience working with the Lord's Pantry. He made points of how the Pantry provides food to some people, so that they can spend the funds that would normally go to food to better their lives. He looked at his paper for support only 3 times, stood in the center of the room to fully gain the attention of all those listening. HE did a great job. I also gave donor bucks the the Lord's Pantry