Saturday, November 3, 2007

frederick douglass

Eli Pardue
AP Lang Comp

Frederick Douglass states that Independence Day to a slave is nothing more than a day, becuase hte slaves were not freed on July 4th. Freedom of the country did not matter to the claves as much as it did to the citizensebcause their treatment did not differ. They ahd no change in lifestyle because the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution did not state anything about the lawfulness or rightioussness of slavery.

Douglass appeals to pathos because becasue of the obvious passion that he shows in his speech. Also, the language he uses makes makes us all question the point of the question he is responding to. He also appeals to logic by simplky explaining the obvious to the audience. For Ethos, he was a slve, and can therefor speak for all slaves because he knows what it wwas like to be one and knows the conditions in which a typical slave lives.