Wednesday, November 28, 2007

individual reseach blog thing 1

Eli Pardue
AP Lang Comp

Individual Research Idea

My primary idea for my individual research came from my health class with Mr. Thornburg. He assigned us to have a position on the legalization of marijuana, and to think about the pros and cons of our decision.
Being from the West Coast, the central hub of the use of marijuana as a medicine, I have a slight bias to the subject not only for the fact that I have known people who have greatly benefited from the use of marijuana ass both an anti-depressant and a pain killer. My mother worked for many years at a clinic where she treated people with addiction problems. Often as side affects of withdrawal, these people would experience mental problems, and when used in moderation, it can help immensely. I have seen marijuana used in many different cases with great success.
I advocate marijuana not because of any personal feelings regarding the experience. In fact, I have never been involved with the use of recreational marijuana. I advocate it because I truly believe that it can be used as an extremely affective medication, and that if the scientific use of marijuana was approved, cellular research can develop different strains that are more affective. In addition, they can experiment to create more generally accepted forms of medications, such as injections and pills.


Kendal said...


I think that you picked a great topic here. I think it's great that you are using a topic from another class that has you this interested. I also believe that marijuana should be allowed for medecinal purposes. It's really great that you have a personal experience to go off of. I think that will help make your paper even more powerful. This will be a very interesting topic, and I don't think it will be hard for you to research this. It's great that you have a topic like this that you seem pretty passionate about. good luck with your paper!

Oh and p.s. you accidentally wrote ass instead of as in your blog which made me laugh, so you might want to fix that. :-P

Elise Carter said...

This is a very good topic, I like how you were able to make the personal connection through gym class. Marijuana should be used for medicinal purposes, even though some people use it for other things. I love how you know so much about this based on a personal experience. I think you have a good start to this essay.