Monday, March 3, 2008

gratified in writing

Eli Pardue
AP Lang Comp

Why does Wright feel gratified after sharing his writing?

Richard was forced to pray and pray every day for an hour. Granny and Aunt Addie constantly berated him on the state of his soul. They said that God would look poorly on them if they had a non-believer in the house. Richard did not care for church. He had never felt God before, and was convinced that he never would feel God. Richard problem with believing is summed up in his quote, “If laying down my life could stop the suffering in the world, I’d do it. But I don’t believe anything can stop it.” Richard felt compelled to write a hymn of his own in hope that it would be good enough for Granny to stop tailing him on the subject of his soul, and forgive him for his misdoings. He was not adept at writing verses and hymns, he soon learned. Richard had an Indian girl from a book on his mind, and wrote of her. He felt gratified in his writing because it was the first thing that he had created that was completely his, and more than that, and extension of himself and his emotions. He had the young woman next door read it. She did not understand the depth of his writing and looked at him with a confused and amused face. Richard felt gratified because she could not fully comprehend the emotion and felling that he had put into his writing.